About The New Yard

The New Yard Gallery was founded in 2024 by Adrien Jack and Adrien Chatelet, two dynamic French entrepreneurs blending their expertise in art and design and bringing a French perspective to the ultra-contemporary landscape of Los Angeles. The gallery will facilitate a cultural exchange between a Los Angeles audience and internationally established artists, aiming to create a new space for art by blurring the lines, exhibiting artworks that represent the meeting of not only separate continents, but also of art and design, of craft and concept, of art history and the present day.

“Upon visiting Los Angeles, and witnessing its youth, diversity, and sprawling landscapes, it became immediately apparent that this was the perfect city for our New Yard. We look forward to meeting you, and introducing you to the artworks that inspired us to open this gallery – artworks that we believe deserve to be looked at in a California context.”  – Adrien Jack & Adrien Chatelet

The Team

Adrien Jack, Founder

Adrien Jack, born in Paris in 1995, has forged a unique path in the worlds of interior design and contemporary art. After beginning his career as an international model, traveling across the globe from a young age, Jack developed an appreciation for diverse cultures, aesthetics, and creative expression. This global exposure ultimately fueled his passion for design and art, shaping the innovative vision he brings to his projects today.

Jack previously co-founded a real estate and interior design company where he developed a reputation for creating environments that balance beauty, functionality, and timeless design. His experience in transforming spaces with character and purpose continues to have a lasting influence on his approach to art curation. During the pandemic, Jack moved his focus to fine art with the launch of an online art gallery that laid the foundation for The New Yard. 

The New Yard represents Jack’s desire to create a space where international art can intersect with the vibrant Los Angeles art scene. His vision for the gallery is to provide a platform for both established and emerging artists, offering a diverse range of perspectives that challenge conventions and ignite conversations. Curatorially, Jack brings a sensibility informed by his background in interior design, focusing on how artwork interacts with the space around it to create immersive and engaging exhibitions. By curating significant art from around the world, Jack has positioned The New Yard as a destination for collectors, enthusiasts, and artists alike, fostering a community that values creativity, collaboration, and bold artistic statements.

Adrien Chatelet, Director

Adrien Chatelet, born in France in 1992, is a seasoned art advisor, collector, and curator with a diverse and extensive background in the international art world. After completing his studies in architecture and art in Paris, Chatelet embarked on a career that has taken him to major art hubs such as Paris, Hong Kong, London, and Monaco. His work with leading galleries in these cities has refined his expertise in art acquisition, curation, and advisory services.

With a keen eye for contemporary and emerging art, Chatelet has developed a reputation for building notable collections and fostering strong relationships between artists, collectors, and institutions. His passion for art, combined with a deep understanding of market trends and artistic vision, has earned him the trust of clients and collaborators worldwide.

Chatelet now brings his extensive knowledge and vision to Los Angeles with the opening of The New Yard Gallery, where he aims to create a dynamic platform for innovative artists and collectors. The new gallery space will serve as a hub for cutting-edge exhibitions, providing collectors and art enthusiasts with access to thoughtfully curated works from around the globe.